Thursday, 18 March 2010

What makes a great photograph?

Taken from 'Photography' by John Ingledew

Photographs can be more than just a composition on a piece of photographic paper or yet another image in a newspaper or magazine. Great pictures make a person or event live in front of us and offer an intense experience to the viewer. Great pictures speak for themselves. They are loaded with emotion and a sense of history. They jolt us at once and each time we look at them. They have the ability to connect with new audiences.

'A great image will somehow have encoded in it things that mean a great deal to a lot of people personally. It is able to speak to them all individually.'
Sandro Sodano, photography.

My Thoughts

To me a great photograph is one that draws the viewer in and then captures their interest whilst their looking at it. That photo then leaves the viewer asking questions about the subject or wanting to know more (or hopefully leave the viewer wanting to see more photos by that photographer)

In my limited experience the photos that I enjoying viewing are ones that are simple in there construction by make me want to find more examples that the photographer has taken. Those are the types of photo i would like to tae - engaging, though provoking pictures that people enjoy viewing and talking about.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Meets all the criteria as labelled
    But can you add more images so I can refer to what you are commenting on. This will under pin all your work and help meet the criteria better.

